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一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 50 分)
1.“The novel is structured around the discovery of the hero’s origin.” This novel is most probably .
A.Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield
B.James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
C.Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding Growd
D.Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones
2.In 1704, ___________founded the periodicals “the Review”.
3.In Leaves of Grass, _______ is all that concerned Whitman.
B.the spirit of democracy
D.all the above
4.Hawthorne generally concerns himself with such issues as in his fiction.
A.the evil in man’s heart
B.the material pursuit
C.the racial conflict
D.the social inequality
5.Author of Gulliver’s Ttravels also wrote
A.A Modest Proposal
B.Robinson Crusoe
C.Henry V
D.The Tyger
6.Best known for his novels about the adventure is
7.The first novel of Thomas Pynchon is ______ .
B.The Crying of Lot 49
8.the most significant idea of the Renaissance is____.
9.“To wage by force or guile eternal war, Irreconcilable to our grand Foe.”(John Milton, Paradise lost) By what means were Satan and his followers to wage this war against God?
A.By planting a tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden.
B.By turning into poisonous snakes to threaten man’s life.
C.By removing God from His throne.
D.By corrupting man and woman created by God.
10.“I will drink / life to the lees .” In the quoted line Ulysses is saying that he till the end of his life .
A.will keep traveling and exploring
B.will go on drinking and being happy
C.would like to toast to his glorious life
D.would like to drink the cup of wine
11.Dickinson’s poems include poems of _________.
D.all the above
12.The unquenchable spirit of Robinson Crusoe struggling to maintain a substantial existence on a lonely island reflects .
A.man’s desire to return to nature
B.the author’s criticism of the colonization
C.the ideal of the rising bourgeoisie
D.the aristocrats’ disillusionment of the harsh social reality
13.It is generally regarded that Keats‘s most important and mature poems are in the form of _______ .
14.William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all of the following except .
A.normal contemporary speech patterns
B.humble and rustic life as subject matter
C.elegant wording and inflated figures of speech
D.intensely subjective feeling toward individual experience
15.______________ has always been regarded as a writer who “perfected the best classic style that American Literature ever produced”.
A.Edgar Ellen Poe
B.Walt Whitman
C.Henry David Thoreau
D.Washington Irving
16.The three trilogies of _______ Forsyte novels are masterpieces of critical realism in the early 20th century.
A.H. Lawrence’s
B.John Galsworthy’s
C.James Joyce’s
D.Thomas Hardy’s
17.The following poets are all Poet Laureate except_____
A.Ben Jonson
B.Thomas Gray
C.Robert Southey
D.William Wordsworth
18.Chaucer is called the founder of English realism because he portrays all the classes of English feudal society except_______
A.businessmen and scholars
B.nobles and serfs
C.plowmen and priests
D.knights and franklins
19.Richardson was noted as story-telling , letter writer and a
20.In Hardy‘s Wessex novels, there is an apparent _______ touch in his description of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life.
二、判断题 (共 20 道试题,共 50 分)
21.Human goodness is one of the most familiar themes in American naturalism .
22.Fitzgerald shows an interest both in upper–class society & lower–class society .
23.The pasture is the setting for the work of Dr. Faustus.
24.The most gifted of the University Wits was Shakespeare.
25.A ballad is written in 4-line stanza with the first and third lines rhymes.
26.With Bellow and Singer as Nobel Prize winners , the status of Jewish Literature as an important part of American Literature has been firmly established .
27.Beowulf was created in England.
28.As a Jewish writer , Salinger concerns himself only with Jewish subject .
29.Wordsworth’s best poems are description of mountains, rivers, flowers, birds .
30.According to Emerson , man is divine in nature .
31.Wuthering Heights deals with a story of love and violence.
32.Pope established the heroic couplet as one of the principal English verse forms.
33.In her works , Amy Tan wrote beautifully about the contrast between Chinese and American cultures .
34.Faulkner‘s artistic techniques include the exploration of reality , the nature of time and the relation of the past to the present .
35.The main technique applied to the novel Ulysses by Joyce is symbolism.
36.Beowulf was brought by Anglo-Saxon people from the Continent to England.
37.Irving was best known for his short stories such as Rip Van Winkle .
38.Bellow‘s themes are concerned with the struggle of city dwellers to define their roles and responsibility in modern world .
39.Romanticism rose and grew under the impetus of the French Revolution.
40.Pardoner in The Canterbury Tales sold the relics of the dead saints to exempt the sins from the buyers