

时间:2023-02-16  作者:在线  来源:互联网  点击: 次  


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单选题 (答案来源(www.youxue100f.com)共 40 题,每题 2.50 分)
1.Each day, more than 6,000 people around the world fall____ to HIV.
  A. criminal
  B. victim
  C. murder
  D. refugee
2.There is something wrong with my mobile phone. I must have it_____.
  A. repair
  B. to repair
  C. repairing
  D. repaired
3.Five kilometers_____ a long distance for a five-year-old boy to run.
  A. is
  B. would
  C. are
  D. be
4.He didn’t know that _____ the years to complete this special task.
  A. he would take
  B. it will take him
  C. it would take him
  D. he would spend
5. Friendship is almost ______ union of a part of one mind with a part of another.
  A. /
  B. the
  C. a
  D. an
6.What her grandfather said left a _____ impression on her mind. She still remembers it.
  A. final
  B. vague
  C. deep
  D. main
7.The chairman as well as many other people _____ present.
  A. should
  B. is
  C. will
  D. are
8.The woman ___every drawer and cupboard in the house, but she could not find the missing silver.
  A. went on
  B. went through
  C. bring about
  D. took up
9.Doctors are sometimes ____ with violence if they don’t do what patients want.
  A. bribed
  B. respected
  C. killed
  D. threatened
10.The report_____ the problems of the unemployed.
  A. speak highly of
  B. highlights
  C. highly
  D. heighten
11.The two pictures are similar, although not______
  A. identify
  B. identification
  C. identical
  D. identity
12.To carry out the plan successfully, we have to get well prepared __________.
  A. in turn
  B. in detail
  C. in advance
  D. in force
13.I want you —— this report.
  A. reading ∙
  B. to read
  C. read
  D. will read
14.She finds herself _____ by too many phone calls every day.
  A. to be troubled
  B. troubling
  C. troubled
  D. being troubled
15.Lily ________ ill, I saw her playing badminton a moment ago.
  A. needn’t have been
  B. must have been
  C. can’t have been
  D. shouldn’t have been
16.They were screaming ______ singing.
  A. after all
  B. rather than
  C. above all
  D. better than
17.I will accept any job ___ I don’t have to get up early.
  A. as long as
  B. as for
  C. as soon as
  D. as much as
18.The manager needs an assistant that he can ___ to take care of problems in his absence
  A. count on
  B. count to
  C. count up
  D. count down
19.He didn’t know that _____ the years to complete this special task.
  A. he would take
  B. it will take him
  C. it would take him
  D. he would spend
20.He had waited so long that he became_______.
  A. patient
  B. reserved
  C. impatient
  D. quiet
21.They had many problems when they first got married, but things ___ in the end.
  A. worked up
  B. worked on
  C. worked for
  D. worked out
22. Do you always ________ an English-Chinese dictionary when you come across new words in your reading
  A. consider
  B. cheat
  C. consult
  D. contact
23.All the workers were made_____ from morning till night by the employers.
  A. worked
  B. working
  C. to work
  D. work
24.He had waited so long that he became_______.
  A. patient
  B. reserved
  C. impatient
  D. quiet
25.One of the men held the view ___ the book said was right.
  A. that which
  B. what that
  C. that what
  D. which that
26.You have _____ dictionary as the one he has, don’t you?
  A. as good
  B. as good a
  C. a as good
  D. as a good
27.To my____, it had completely disappeared
  A. astonishment
  B. delight
  C. excitement
  D. relief
28.The fact ___ he didn’t see Tom yesterday is true.
  A. when
  B. which
  C. what
  D. that
29. I’ve learned from my uncle that dogs ________ people by their smell
  A. improve
  B. expect
  C. recognize
  D. teach
30.Children should be encouraged to reach a(n)____between what they want and what others want.
  A. destination
  B. agreement
  C. conclusion
  D. compromise
31.You should have ____ in your ability to succeed.
  A. respect
  B. effect
  C. influence
  D. faith
32.John suggested ___ anything about it until they found out more facts.
  A. not saying
  B. to say not
  C. not say
  D. not to say
33.They are busy___ for solutions to their current problems.
  A. seeking
  B. planning
  C. sought
  D. planned
34.While a _ amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you.
  A. moderate
  B. modern
  C. large
  D. striking
35.You need a password to get____ to the computer system.
  A. way
  B. access
  C. direction
  D. method
36.The washing machine’s _______ so I have to wash all our clothes by hand.
  A. broken out
  B. broken up
  C. broken in
  D. broken down
37.The fact ___ he didn’t see Tom yesterday is true.
  A. when
  B. which
  C. what
  D. that
38.You see the lightning_____ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.
  A. in an instant
  B. for an instant
  C. on the instant
  D. the instant
39.The father is proud of his son ________ college in the same year.
  A. entered
  B. for entering
  C. entering
  D. to enter
40.She carefully ____ her clothes and her hair before going out.
  A. averaged
  B. adjusted
  C. adapted
  D. adopted


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