

时间:2023-09-07  作者:在线  来源:互联网  点击: 次  

大工23春《大学英语4》在线测试2[标准答案] 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 80 分) 1.---- How can I use this washing machine?  ---- Well, just refer to the _______. A.explanations B.expressions C.introductions D.dir

作业 考核 论文 答案联系联系优学网 QQ:3064302332 微信:wxxygzs

试卷总分:100  得分:100
一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 80 分)
1.---- How can I use this washing machine? 
---- Well, just refer to the _______.
2.Historically, _______ main material for making tables has been wood, but ______ 
metal and stone have also been used.
A.the; /
B./; /
C.the; the
D./; the
3.It will be quite a long time _______ she is back again, so don’t be too cross with 
4._______ Sunday, rather than _______ at home, I preferred _______.
A.It being; stay; to travel
B.Being; to stay; to travel
C.shavings been; stay; travel
D.It was; to stay; travelling
5.Henry can’t attend the party _______ at Tom’s house at present because he is 
preparing the speech at the party _______ at Marie’s house tomorrow.
A.held; being held
B.to be held; to be held
C.to be held; held
D.being held; to be held
6._______ she is not so healthy _______ she used to be?
A.It was why; that’s what
B.Is it why that; as
C.Why is it that; as
D.Why it is that; that
7.We’ll continue to learn by ourselves when we have left school, we must _______ 
learn how to study in the school now.
A.in all
B.after all
C.above all
D.at all
8.Although he was disabled when he was only ten years of age, yet he aimed _____, 
for which his classmates spoke _______ of him.
A.high; high
B.highly; highly
C.highly; high
D.high; highly
9.Computer cannot remember who _______; it simply does what _______.
A.has used it; it is told
B.will used it; it was told
C.uses it; it has told
D.has used it; it told
10.The driver drove _______ hit at a big tree and the car came to stop.
A.too carelessly to
B.carelessly enough to
C.so carelessly that he
D.so careless that he
11.---- I’d rather have some wine, if you don’t mind.  
---- _______.
A.No, you’d better not
B.Not at all, anything you want
C.Thank you all the same
D.Yes, but not good
12.Mr. Green drove slowly on the way home until he reached the high way, ______ the speed limit was 60 miles per hour.
13.Jack _______ yet last night, otherwise he _______ me.
A.mustn’t have arrived; must have phoned
B.can’t have arrived; would have phoned
C.may have arrived; need have phoned
D.shouldn’t have arrived; can have phoned
14.The sun was shining brightly, _______ everything there _______ more beautiful.
A.making; look
B.to make; looked
C.and made; looking
D.and making; be looked
15.So far, several ships have been reported missing _______ the coast of Bermuda 
16.---- _______ I tell the head teacher all that has happened?
---- No, you _______! Mr. Xin would be terribly angry.
A.Will; needn’t
B.Would; can
C.Should; mustn’t
D.Must; don’t have to
17.Betty’s English is _______ than _______ in the class.
A.much better; anyone else
B.far better; anyone else’s
C.a lot better; anyone’s else
D.a great deal better; anyone’s else’s
18._______ we know, hurricane is _______ to come.
A.As soon as; possible
B.As long as; probable
C.As far as; likely
D.As well as; perhaps
19.Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often _______ or better than an actual performance.
A.as good as
B.as good
C.as well as
D.good as
20._______ we call the First Aid Centre, the doctors _______ by and by.
A.No sooner; would come
B.Soon after; would come
C.Shortly; are coming
D.Immediately; will come
二、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)
21.Your counteroffer is so low that we can’t accept.
22.Our products are well with quality and competitive price.
23.we have to require you to do the transaction on the basis of confirmed irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight.
24.Are your company specialized in the export of handicrafts?
25.Every time I am at a loss for what I should do next, some of my best friend will 
certainly be there to give me a hand.
26.Would you let us have your most favourable firm offers of January,2009 for 
10,000 pair of men's leather shoes?
27.Your L/C must reach us one month before the time of shipment so that we can 
make necessarily arrangement.
28.About the matter of price, I think when we buy some products, we should take 
into consideration not only the price but also the quality.
29.Considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we shall grant 
you a specially discount of 10%.
30.According to your advisement, we have made much improvement in the inner 
packing in order to meet customers’ requirements in your market.


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